
Reduction of dormitory prices from 1/1/2023

Dear students, dear residents. On October 7, 2022 was published Government Regulation No. 298/2022 Sb. , by which the government of the Czech Republic capped the prices of gas and electricity with effect from 1 January 2023. In this context, a new dormitory price list will také effect from 1 January 2023, which will take […]

Reduction of dormitory prices from 1/1/2023

New ATM installed in front of Thaler Dormitory

Dear students, on 16.11. a new ATM was installed in front of the Thaler dormitory. We believe that the placement of an ATM in the dormitory area will improve the set of services provided for the residents.

New ATM installed in front of Thaler Dormitory

Attention changes – important

Dear students, dear residents, The Facility Management Department (SÚZ) as part of the Prague University of Economics and Business must manage a balanced budget. The income of SÚZ consists only of dormitory fees and rent for apartments and non-residential premises, a small part of the income is made up of income for other services provided […]

Attention changes – important

Delegation of university staff from our partner university from Seoul National University visited FMD.

On 6 September 2022, a delegation of six university staff from our partner university from Seoul National University visited FMD. We presented them with basic information about the FMD and its strategy focused on the electronicization of processes, safety and good conditions for students’ stay in the dormitories, including opportunities for their sports. The delegation […]

Delegation of university staff from our partner university from Seoul National University visited FMD.

Protection against harmful effect on health caused by tobacco products, alcohol and other addictive substances.

Order of the Director of SÚZ/FMD VŠE No. 12/2022 establishes measures aimed at protecting against harmful effect on health caused by tobacco products, alcohol and other addictive substances at the workplaces of SÚZ VŠE in Prague. Alcohol and other addictive substances are strictly prohibited at SÚZ/FMD workplaces. In accordance with the law, smoking is strictly […]

Protection against harmful effect on health caused by tobacco products, alcohol and other addictive substances.

Internet connection has been restored

Updata 14.4. Internet connection has been restored and working as usual.  Update 13.4. The replacement of the fiber optic cable has been completed today and will be connected tomorrow 14.4. on Friday morning. There may be a small outage (max 5 minutes) for each building during the connection. Immediately after it is up and running, […]

Internet connection has been restored

Billing of gas costs for the 4th quarter of 2022

On 13 September 2022, the change to the dormitory price list from 1 October 2022 was announced and put into effect in a report here: With regard to the change in the price of gas (we switched from a fixed price to spot prices by 31/12/2022, for which we did not have a clear […]

Billing of gas costs for the 4th quarter of 2022

Newly renovated rooms in Palach and Thaler dormitory.

In accordance with the strategic plan of SÚZ VŠE to provide quality accommodation, facilities and related services to Czech and foreign students during their university studies, the reconstruction of 70 rooms for 140 students of Palach’s dormitory building B and 88 cells for 352 students at Thaler’s dormitory was completed at the beginning of 2021.

Newly renovated rooms in Palach and Thaler dormitory.

Visitors in student rooms

Online accommodation for visitors in student rooms was put into operation as a part of unattended operation of dormitories. Instructions for entering a visit can be found here. Article III. of Dormitory Rules shall continue to apply, ie., that the guest of the accommodated person can stay in his room for a maximum of 4 […]

Visitors in student rooms