Accommodation confirmation for grant of VISA

Attention! In case you need to resolve extension of stay for Foreign police here in Prague
(for example Hládkov, Cigánkova, …), please, fill out DIFFERENT  form.

This application serve only for grant of VISA at Czech embassy in your native country.

    We do not prepare accommodation confirmation for visa anymore, it was replaced by Binding preliminary agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”). For issuing confirmation 200 CZK will be charged (through ISKAM).

    We require from the applicant:

    !!! It is not possible to prepare the agreement without the application and paying the deposit including the fee of 200 CZK !!!

    We do not send documents by post. The applicant or a person authorized by him must pick up the document in person during office hours (or by appointment) at the Central Accommodation office, .

    The student must not sign the document in advance. He will sign it in front of the embassy worker. The embassy does not accept the pre-signed document.

    Please note that the Binding preliminary agreement can be made when you have a request for accommodation in ISKAM for the next year and paid the reservation deposit. We will prepare the confirmation for you only once! So please think carefully about which type of document you need, we will not prepare several documents for you.

    Address of permanent residence (must be the same as in ISKAM):

    Applicant's First name, Surname


    Date of birth

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    We grant accommodation confirmation only for duration of accommodation contract. No longer than till 30. 6.