Campus VŠE on W. Churchill Square
- Student canteen Italská, VŠE , by AV Gastro, s.r.o.
- Pizza VŠEm – vegetarian food
- Restaurant AK – Academic club
- Restaurant Umbrella
- Café Bar Econom
VŠE, Campus Jarov
- Student Canteen Jarov, VŠE, by AV Gastro, s.r.o.
- Magneto Bar
- Pizza machine in front of Thalerova dormitory
- Restaurant U Študáka
VŠE Campus Jižní Město, Chodov
- Student canteen and company catering, VŠE, by AV Gastro, s.r.o.
- Student canteen and restaurant Volha, VŠCHT
- Music Club El Magico a El Burger Pub
- Restaurant and Club Blanice
Rooseveltova Dormitory, Holešovice
- There is no VŠE canteen in Holešovice
- Restaurant Littel Berlin (U Malého Berlína)
Student canteens
- VŠE, W. Churchill Square
- VŠE, Jarov campus
- VŠE, Jižní Město campus
- Rooseveltova Dormitory, Holešovice
- WebKredit – account management, menus, orders
- MobilKredit2 – WebKredit functionality for mobile devices